
Home / Ninghai
Source£º Insight Ningbo ¡¡| 2022-04-29 08:50:27

¡¡¡¡Xujiashan Village./ÔS¼Òɽ´å¡£[Photo by Yan Long]‡À(y¨¢n)ýˆ”z

¡¡¡¡By Dong Na

¡¡¡¡In the mountains in the eastern part of Ninghai County, there is a "stone house village" called Xujiashan Village. In 2010, the village was named a "Famous Chinese Historical and Cultural Village" in the title's fifth awarding round. It is the largest and best-preserved village of stone dwellings in Ningbo and a typical example of the stone architecture style in eastern Zhejiang's mountainous coastal areas.


¡¡¡¡Unlike other villages, most houses in Xujiashan Village are made of black basalt, which is unique to the area. The village has not only many intact stone homes, stone walls, stone alleys, stone bridges, stone-paved roads and stone benches, but also traditional ways of life: plowing the fields with oxen, making flour with sweet potato, making rice cakes by manual pounding, and crafting bamboo wicker objects.


¡¡¡¡Xujiashan's cluster of well-preserved, distinctive historical buildings creates potential for the village to become a destination for rural tourism, cultural exchange, wellness, recreation, and sports.

